Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Feds Versus The State Is Felt Strongly In A Compounding Pharmacy South San Francisco

By Daphne Bowen

For the many millions of American women and men who have been waiting for it, the state of California has finally decriminalized the use of marijuana, and even legalized the use of this product for medicinal purposes. Scientists can continue to study this plant and it's powers of healing without losing funding. From inside the safety of a compounding pharmacy South San Francisco, a new means of treating disease can now emerge.

When pharmaceutical drugs are compounded, the various ingredients of the medicine are mixed together at the pharmacy while the patient waits. This can allow the drug to be more effective depending on how ingredients are combined, or it can be tailor-made to suit the needs of that specific patient. The marijuana pharmacies all over California are doing just that for patients who used to be regarded as criminals.

How potent a patient needs their cannabis will depend on the various mixes available. Anyone suffering a debilitating illness such as some form of palsy can anticipate a very strong dose will be given to them. Physicians can feel comfortable giving a stronger dose in light of the fact that one cannot overdose a person on marijuana, and the side-effects of this drug are minimal and pleasant.

With authoritarian representatives still pushing jurisdiction as a way to inflame the argument between the State and the Church, it still seems clear that the State shall not respect the rights of people as outlined in the Constitution. This violates our Fourth Amendment, and leaves us vulnerable to scoundrels who would engage in an illegal search and seizure.

These doctors have consistently gone to court over this issue, and stood in accusation of government agencies who have to qualms about busting down their door and entering a premises by force. These doctors are professionals and they feel they are working in accordance with local laws and customs, and that their work is a benefit to humanity. Should the government continue to show apathy toward these people, another civil war could erupt.

The first example of Federal disregard occurred when Abraham Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation, and it continues to this day. Anyone who has found themselves under the bus with the drug laws in the United States knows just how insidious representatives of their government can be. As the law treads more and more on individual liberties, the people become more rebellious in the face of it.

Recent laws are even being passed which may require adults, as well as their children, to get their vaccines every year, including flue shots. Even people who have no issue with the vaccination program find this trend to be quite disturbing. It is so audaciously against the law to even attempt to require a citizen to accept any sort of medical procedure against their will.

California has remained in the limelight on the marijuana issue since the 1960s, and so it will remain. They now can add Colorado, South Carolina, and possibly even Texas onto their credit, as these states appear ready to follow suite. When we can get everyone who is sitting in prison for marijuana-related offenses free, then this country will begin to feel like it should again.

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