Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Must Know Facts About Eyelid Surgery

By Misty Tyler

Aging seems to be an unwanted thing for almost everyone. When we hear the word, we start thinking about weaker body and more unwanted lines especially in our faces. But in as much as we wanted to keep the vibrance of our youth, all of us age. It is biology. And no one can defy it. There are however some measures you can take to slow down the process.

Observing a healthy lifestyle including a balanced food and exercise habit remains the safest and most suggested method. However, for those who want a faster way out, a means in the form of surgery is also being provided. One good example is the eyelid surgery Barrie which aims to reduce those lines and wrinkles around the eye area. People who have successfully undergone the operation can attest to the great difference it made to how they look.

This may cost higher than cream and other skin care products but its effect is immediately visible after the surgery. Moreover, those who have tried the process have attested to its good effects. If you plan on having one for yourself, you better start knowing what the operation is all about. Here are things you might not know but want to learn about it.

Eyelid surger is scientifically known as blepharoplasty. This is a process where your upper and or lower lids are incised in order to get those excess fat and skin that have accumulated on those areas of your eyes. Usual cases such as puffiness, sagging appearance and wrinkles around the eye area are remedied using this process.

But no matter how you love to avail the service, if your doctor will not allow you, then you cannot. Most can undergo this process but ideally, doctors will check the present health condition that you have to ensure that you are fine. After all, you are performing a delicate operation. An unhealthy body may come in as a liability and a problem during the recovery phase.

It is also important to note that since this involves an operation near your eyes, you will have to make certain preparations. Your doctor may be taking you off some of your current prescriptions. He may also suggest you to do more rest prior to it. When talking to your doctor you will also be informed about what to expect after the operation and the dos and donts to help your full recovery.

The swelling and bruising that you see after the surgery is natural. You do not have to panic. The stitched skin is still healing. Applying cool compress though will help reduce these. If you rest enough and follow the instructions of your doctor, you should be ready to get back to your normal activities after ten days.

But while majority of the operations are successful, there are some who reported several complications after it. Some had experienced bleeding and scarring. Some even experienced difficulty in closing the eyes. Be aware of these things and ask your doctor ahead of time on how to address these issues just in case.

This surgery is created to help get a better look for your eyelids. However, this does not mean that you can already forgo healthy living. Sufficient rest with right foods and exercise are still the best practice to have a healthy skin.

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