Thursday, January 8, 2015

How CPR Classes Sacramento Can Make A Difference In Saving A Life

By Enid Hinton

When the heart stops beating, a resuscitation procedure can help maintain circulation through chest compressions or mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The statistics are not very impressive considering that close to 70 percent of persons find themselves unable to offer resuscitation confidently because the training they received has lapsed or they have no training at all. With CPR classes Sacramento CA, they can provide you with the much-needed skill on how to save lives through resuscitation.

CPR is one course people have taken for granted only to be faced with situations where they could have saved lives. It may be at home during the night and your wife, child, or sister experiences the attack. There is very short time to save the life of that person and by the time the medical team arrives or you take the patient to hospital, he or she may not make it.

Often, cardiac arrests will not allow people to survive for more than 10 minutes. During that time, you can determine whether that person loses life or survives. The simple process of compressing the chest or offering rescue breathing can help greatly. You could increase the probability of that person surviving by about two or three times when you apply these procedure immediately.

During the resuscitation, chest compressions are done using a certain procedure, therefore, you should know how they are conducted. In addition, you may need to provide a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, which also helps in circulation. The aim of this procedure is help in circulation and ensure there is no death of tissues due to lack of oxygen. Many a times, when accidents occur, people tend to panic.

Even when you have taken the course and you never handle the situation in your lifetime, you have nothing to lose. The worse experience is to say that you will train tomorrow and today, you are faced with the circumstance needing resuscitation. You may have yourself to blame because you could have made that decision long time.

Do not take this course to only make your CV to look impressive as this may miss the point. When you train consider that someday you may be confronted with a situation that needs you perform the procedure. Many people never realize how important it is to train in CPR until that time a calamity strikes and they are the only ones around to save someone.

If you stay for a long time without practicing the skill, it will get eroded and you might not be able to perform the procedures. Always ensure you are updated after a few years so that your training remains relevant and able to conduct those procedures. The cardiac arrest can occur in homes and if you have no someone experienced or trained in that skill, it could be another loss of life.

In workplaces, employers are seeking for individuals who have life saving skills because they add value to the workforce. In homes, the family feels much secure when one or more people have this training. This is a course that can be taken by anyone whether the moms, maids, or the fathers at home. It can go a long way in preventing some of the deaths that occur due to problems in breathing after cardiac arrests or even choking.

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