Tuesday, January 13, 2015

How To Establish A Sustainable Cold Chain System

By Cindy H. Cassidy

Cold chain shipping plays a vital role in the transport of most biological products such as vaccines, and some food products as well. However, one main concern is the impact that this process has on the environment, and what can be done to reduce its overall carbon footprint. In order for organizations to produce a sustainable cold chain, they must closely examine aspects such as packaging, disposal, and waste reduction.

The key is to identify packaging types which both protect the integrity of the products they contain, and also don't place a high degree of stress on the environment in their manufacture, transport, or disposal. "Green" packaging options can be biodegradable, made from sustainable materials, or reusable. If the amount of packaging is also less, this means further saving of resources and reduced transportation needs.

The best way for packaging companies to get a clear picture of how their shipping methods measure up in terms of the carbon footprint they produce is to hire the services of an organization which specializes in this area. These experts will do a comprehensive analysis of the packaging life-cycle used and point out any improvements needed.

If the overall amount of waste produced by the cold chain delivery system being used can be reduced, this also increases its sustainability. The use of smaller sized packages which allow for more efficient packing and shipment, fewer deliveries, and less need for raw materials all minimize waste.

The concept of reusable packaging also lends itself to eco-friendly shipping practices. Packages that can be readily cleaned and returned to the supplier after delivery may initially cost more to develop but in the long run it will end up saving money and resources. Materials used must rank high in durability if they are to be used repeatedly.

When recycled materials are used to manufacture packaging it not only saves landfill space but also reduces the need to transport and process raw materials, which also limit the greenhouse gases generated. The manufacturing process requires less overall energy when recovered materials are used making it more eco-friendly.

Sometimes landfill disposal is inevitable, in which case it is necessary to select only those packaging types which do less harm to the soil and groundwater. One type of material which fits this criteria is expanded polystyrene, it doesn't break down to produce methane or other harmful substances and it aerates the soil, encouraging plant growth.

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