Thursday, January 8, 2015

Possible Causes And Other Symptoms Of Navicular Disease

By Enid Hinton

It is not only humans who will experience diseases and conditions, animals can too. And if it is your pet, you know that you will be affected so much because you treat them not just as a creature but family. And if they are the source of your income like livestock, it will greatly affect the flow of money for the business.

One good example for this scenario are horse. Most people who have the finances to purchase one often take the opportunity to do so. These animals have the ability to jump higher and do maneuvers that makes them really good for shows and competition. But there are instances when they will be sick. You can only hope that it is not a serious condition such as navicular disease. Some of the simplest sicknesses can lead to this.

This is a syndrome that targets the foot, specifically the heel and the joints of the foot of your horse. This is also the most known cause of lameness, the condition when your pet cannot use his or her legs anymore. If they have this condition, they cannot jump anymore. And this is not treated, they might not be able to walk also.

There are several reasons as to why this can happen to your animal. The more you know about the possible causes, the more careful you will be. And there is a good chance that you can protect them from experiencing this disease.

Compression and pressure is a constant factor since the feet always carry the weight of the entire body. But if this is applied more than necessary, this results to the thinning of the ligaments. This would consequently result to the continued brushing of the bones which can be very painful and would eventually lead to the navicular condition.

If you purchase a horse for ranch purposes, you have to see to it that they be given the right amount of work load. If you try to make them work more without letting them rest, pressure and compression happens. You can also notice that show horses are not allowed to practice all day.

If you are to put on a shoe or replace an older shoe. You have to see to it that you are doing the right method of putting it on. The shoe should be the right size as well. Bad shoe fits will affect the health of their ligaments. And when you trim the hooves, you have to do it the right way as well and be certain that it is clean.

Body weight and leg capacity needs to be well proportioned. Because if the body is too big for the legs, the pressure on the feet doubles. To make sure that your animal does not go over weight, make sure to engage them in exercises and activities everyday. But be certain that you would not over do it.

General check ups are very important. If you can do it twice every year, the better. For the easy detection of possible diseases, you need to have your horses checked by the vet. And if there are any problems, you can easily ask for advice on what step to take next.

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