Monday, January 12, 2015

You Will Love The Various Karate Classes Warrenton Va Offers

By Enid Hinton

Today's life can be very dangerous. One of the most important things that every person should learn is self-defense. This is why the karate classes Warrenton VA trainers offer are so important.

You cannot just decide when you think you are ready to go to a new level. You also cannot just change your own belt from one color to the next color. You have to attend something called the grading.

At the grading you will find that they will give you a sequence of moves to do that you should be able to do according to you current level. Once you have successfully completed the sequence of moves, you will then do one proper fight with another teammate. The same rules will apply with this fight, as it will in a competition.

In this fight, they will look at you, technique and they will see if your technique is up to standard and they will then decide if you can move forward to the next level. Once they have decided that you can go and advance to the next level, your new belt in the new color will be handed over to you in a very formal ceremony. They really take the grading process extremely serious.

You will find that it is not just something where you can walk into a class and when you walk out you will know what to do. You also need to be very fit if you want to do this kind of sport. There are certain levels that you need to reach.

If you are on your seventh level for example, you will have seven gold stripes on the tip of your black belt. If someone wants to know what level of Dan you are, they can count the gold stripes on your black belt. The minimum amount of time that it will usually take anyone to go from your first belt, the white belt, to at least your fifth black belt level or your fifth Dan.

The colors of the different belts for the different levels are a universal or standard color. This means, no matter where you go, if you have earned a color in one place it will be recognized in any other place. To follow is the list of the different colors for the different levels that you will get.

Four years later, you will then advance to level four and five years later to level five. Level six will take you six years and level seven will take you seven years before you get the seventh dan. To get to level eight it will take eight years and level nine will take you nine years.

Finally, ten years later you will reach you last level, level ten. The amount of years that has been mentioned here to tell you when you will reach the next level of Dan is the minimum amount of year that it can take. It can take even longer than this is the student is not really that committed to practice on a daily basis.

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