Friday, May 1, 2015

Quickly Become A Doctor Of Theology Online

By Stella Gay

There are many different ways in which individuals can obtain a variety of degrees. Some require classroom studies, others allow individuals to become a doctor of theology online. Regardless, it is important to understand how different certificates and degrees differ from one another before embarking upon a program.

One of the best, though also rarest are those which provide credentials in different faiths and settings. One site which offers these type certificates and degrees is that of the Universal Life Church. Something else to consider is that when going through this website, one can become ordained without completing years of studies. Whereas, official online or classroom studies through a divinity school or seminary can take years.

Also, it is important that individuals research the requirements both locally and through any official organized religion when desiring to focus on a specific faith. When desiring to become a minister or spiritual leader, this research is even more essential. Otherwise, one may spend months or years and a great deal of money only to discover that the credentials acquired are not accepted toward an associated position.

Something else to consider is the time it takes to complete a traditional degree. For example, those attending schools like Harvard Divinity or Star King are often required to already hold a Masters before completing work towards a doctorate. Whereas, many websites which offer these credentials allow students to work towards a specific certificate or degree without prior coursework in the field.

While this is the case, those having knowledge related to different areas of religious and spiritual studies are most likely going to be the most successful. Individuals with a strong sense of focus and self-determination can often complete some of these programs in only a few months time. As such, a number of people now opt for going through these online websites rather than spending years and thousands upon thousands of dollars to complete the college coursework required to obtain a traditional masters or doctorate in divinity.

For those desiring to complete work through a specific school like Harvard or Star King, there are also programs which allow students to complete at least some work online. However, most all require students to attend a number of courses on-campus and complete testing at various intervals. In some cases, past coursework and experience can be exchanged for college credit though these opportunities are often few and far between.

When doing so through an accredited university, there are generally also requirements that one have college credit which can also be transferred into the program. Once the information has been provided to the school of choice, the individual may be able to reduce the amount of time required to complete a degree. Although, in most cases, divinity schools and seminaries are going to require one enter with at least a masters level degree, preferably related to religious or spiritual studies.

Once having completed work towards credentials as a minister or other spiritual leader, the faith of choice may also have certain requirements. Something that is especially true with relation to local churches and other establishments. As such, it is often beneficial to research these requirements before beginning work towards a degree, whether through online programs or traditional coursework.

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