Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Triathlons For Professionals And Amateurs

By Tammie Caldwell

Triathlon is a sport that involves a series of sports events. From the name itself, it involves three categories namely biking or cycling, marathon, and swimming. This is a test of stamina, endurance, patience, and most of all, passion for winning. All athletes participating in sports events like this like to win the prize, plus unlimited bragging rights. If you are a great athlete with such characteristics, you may try this sport.

If you like to join but cannot penetrate the professional and international level yet, do not fret. First things first, you need to train. And not just train, you need an intensive training session which could last for a year or so. Virginia triathlons are available every year and this year, you will be amazed of the many events the whole year, from January to December.

It will be a great experience for all sports enthusiasts and participants alike. It is not too late if you have just known about his recently. You can still check out some of the upcoming events in your spare time. You might even want to treat this as a vacation for you and your family.

You can also watch them on cable tv since they have simultaneous forecasts for the major events. These are usually the international level but there are also other levels in which anyone can participate, young or old. This can be a good starting point for you to pursue an athletic career.

There are those that are too extreme and this is what most professional athletes are vying for. On the other hand, there are simple and not too long tracks perfect for beginners. But first, you will need some gears and the right athletic clothing for you to get started.

Athletes who have had adequate experiences over the years will be looking for far more challenging and difficult tracks. They do not settle in something too simple, with short distances, and less tricky tracks. They want something even more challenging all of the time. But as for you, you can start with a little workout and buy some sports gears that you may need like bike, swimming paraphernalia, running shoes, and a lot more.

In the history of tris, perhaps the most challenging is the Iron Man shown on sports tv. This is something that any professional wants to vie on. Here, the distance of the swimming course is about two miles, the running course is a whopping twenty six miles, and finally, a dizzying one hundred and twelve miles of biking.

If you have children who are interested in sports, they can start as young as they are. There are in fact tri for kids events in Virginia as well. This could be their starting point in the training process.

If you like to keep updated with all events in the state, they have a website that will detail all the activities there, which also comprise those which are for the non athletes and non participants. If you have a busy lifestyle and a working person, you can train at least every morning or every afternoon, before and after work. Also, secure your bike so you can practice riding at a certain distance on a specified time frame.

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