Friday, June 12, 2015

How To Alleviate Lupus Pain With A Las Vegas Functional Medical Center And Its Professionals

By Hellen Moare

There are many different ailments that can afflict the body. Issues related to the thyroid, as well as the problem of lupus, are often associated because they are both caused by a malfunctioning immune system. A Las Vegas thyroid doctor may be able to help lupus patients, as well as those suffering with thyroid-related issues. People are encouraged to search around to see what is available.

Functional medicine is a kind of alternative health practice. It is focused on the interactions that occur between various bodily systems, specifically the gastrointestinal, endocrine and immune systems, and the environment. Practitioners seek to create individual plans to help their patients heal. This is known as a pseudoscientific field to some people because there are techniques used that have been unproven or disproven. Still, many believe in the potential benefits.

The immune system is designed to protect humans from bacteria, germs and viruses. This is done through its production of antibodies that are made by white blood cells. People with lupus have an immune system that is unable to decipher between good tissue and foreign invaders. The result is that antibodies are produced that fight good or healthy cells and damage the body. It can lead to pain and inflammation as well.

There are a lot ways that the condition, as well as its symptoms, may be handled. Doctors usually work with their patients to put prevent flares, manage any flare ups that do occur, reduce organ damage, and alleviate pain. Medication can be used for pain management, as well as natural methods.

The thyroid is an important gland in the neck that is responsible for regulating various bodily processes. It can also be disrupted in its function if too little or too much of hormone is produced. Generally, these health problems are triggered by the body attacking itself through the immune system.

Doctors typically start with a patient assessment to determine their status. Information taken from these tests is used to decide on possible care solutions. The results that come of this medical care will differ. People need to follow doctor orders for optimal results.

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