Monday, June 8, 2015

Importance Of Selling Hair Pieces On The Internet

By Elaine Guthrie

What is it that makes the difference between top performing online firms, the average ones and the barely surviving on-line firms? The answer for that is customer retention. Let us now see how you would sell hair pieces via the internet.

How you keep you customer affects if or if not your business online would become the best. RJMetrics had a done a benchmark study that showed that almost half of the online stores get their revenues from repeated purchase. Shopify, a firm making websites for E-commerce businesses, also did a study which revealed that the companies which are on the top of their games get over three quarters of their revenues from repeat purchases.

Therefore your success as an online business is determined by how well you keep your online customers. In order for you to be able to do this you need a good first-run experience for your customers.

First-run customer experience belongs to the jargon of the people who undertake online marketing professionally. The term was borrowed from the field of software engineering where it referred to how the software developers would get the customer to know quickly how to use their products to benefit fully from it. In online marketing, however, it means how you go about creating the experience that would leave your customers going gaga at your product and would feel warm towards your brand. First-run customer experience is what gives the difference between selling like anyone else out there or paying particular attention to the details that would set you apart from the others.

Now, how do you get a person to repeatedly buy your product or from your online store? You have to mind them even after they have made an order on our site or have bought an item. The end of the purchase must be the beginning of a business relationship not just the end of a transaction.

For one, say thank you after they have made an order. Do this by customizing a thank you page that appears after the buyer makes an order on your site. It does not have to be direct, but the customer should get it crystal clear that you appreciate their purchase and that you will ensure the product reaches them in time and safely. Have a confirmation mail sent indicating that the order has been received? The mail should be well customized and with pictures. You can do this using HTML or having a web developer code you the mail.

After you ship the order, confirm it to the customer. Remember, these mails should not contain marketing for other products as they would be seen to be only after your interest. The customer as King and as such they must be made to feel that all the attention is on them. Similarly, boxing experience is another thing you have to be keen on. Package your product well, with dedication, respect, and love. It sure does make a lot of communication about your business, and it might set you apart from the rest of the firms.

Similarly, do not forget to inform the customer when you have already shipped their product. The King here is the customer. Make them feel the center of attention. The way you package your product speaks about you, your product and your brand. Keep the interest of your clients first all the time.

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