Sunday, June 7, 2015

Instant Carp Boilies Pastes And Soluble Krill Protein Nutritional Bait Secrets!

By Tim Richardson

Find out how to make the very best baits and multiply your catches fast! Do you know how and why flavours and ingredients actually work and why? Amino acids, solvents, flavours and salts all affect water molecules in ways that mean carp detect them easily and they stimulate feeding if you use them in the right ways! You can create instant nutritionally-stimulating baits with just the right information!

I have a reputation based primarily on my recommendations of paste baits and no egg boilies and pastes. I'm well known for my recommendation of no heat baits and fermentation, which have been cornerstones of my successes going back since the seventies; this was long before the commercial egg-sealed boiled boilie fixation of the masses was influenced by the carp magazines and advertorials! Let's start by considering several soluble stimulatory instantly-acting ingredients and additives suitable for paste and no egg, no heat nutritional baits! Among this group here are some very well proven base materials: Belachan block, shrimp paste, liver paste, luncheon meat, spam, corned beef, sausage paste, crab paste, fish paste, salmon paste, chicken paste, sweetcorn, hemp and crushed halibut pellet.

Old school baits still work today, I mean not just special paste baits in the style of the sixties or seventies but literally most readymade bait recipes are basically old school, still using most of the ingredients that were being used decades ago! Baits don't have to be complicated to work. Liquidised sweetcorn and luncheon meat with added salts, Marmite, peanut butter and cheap wheat flour will certainly catch fish. It's best to genuinely optimise such basic baits much further however in order to catch many more big fish that feed even more warily in the presence of baits today!

To improve your baits using whole food substances remember, it is best to break whole foods down into their components and even just liquidizing materials will make a significant difference making your baits far more detectable and instantly-acting! Boiled baits based on whole or powdered eggs and tight-knit carbohydrate binders cannot function as instantly as paste baits based on liquidised proteins due to massive limitations on solubility! Some anglers without vision and experience would complain about their paste baits breaking down too quickly, but in fact paste is the most effective bait, the most instant and every single aspect can be controlled and ultimately refined for maximum effect! When extremely closed-minded or ignorant anglers moan about paste baits breaking down quickly, they simply have not experienced the incredible success pastes optimised for function have achieved compared to boilies throughout the history of carp fishing and fishing for countless other species, where baits must be actively interacting with water molecules for best bait function with no restrictions due to heating!

A great example is use of Belachan block where as a whole it is not detected very easily, but when you make a concentrated solution of it and taste it then its rich amino profile seriously stimulates the senses; i.e. bringing the bait into its finer components! When Belachan is mixed with water in concentrated solution then this is where the principle of solubility and responses really shows, even to our dumbed-down human senses and it's where we really are most stimulated by all the salts, amino acids and other stimulants and attractants in Belachan, or indeed in any other whole food or liquidised food item, (everything being enhanced by Belachan taste!) Test any substance against similar ones for the best palatability, feeding response, solubility and stimulatory behaviours responses with your fish; not every Belachan is the same as another so test and compare all substances you use! The very best Belachan will have the strongest aroma and taste and dissolves in cold water the fastest!

On the starter level you have a difference in impact and effect of substances, for instance whole shrimp paste is more detectable than a heated boilie containing lots of whole shrimp. Fermented shrimp paste, Belachan is far soluble, easily detected and feed-stimulatory than whole shrimp or prawn with a huge difference in what is being leaked off! The big lesson here is that if you want to make the very best bait, ensuring your bait is most easily detected and triggers feeding best, then absolutely make sure that you use soluble substances. Most especially where whole food groups, in particular proteins and others, where free amino acids and peptides, salts etc are freely released and enhancing, in literally the most water-molecule electrically-conductive ways, so fish detect them and are stimulated into the strongest feeding, instantly!

Krill meal is an effective big fish protein ingredient. But hydrolysed krill protein is massively more effective than whole krill meal! Whole krill is good but nothing like as effective as hydrolysed krill as it's limited because it is still whole and not wholly soluble! The whole point is to release the greatest concentration of feeding stimulation and attraction possible and this is achieved most using soluble materials and not whole food ingredients!

Whenever you break down your whole foods, even liquidizing whole foods in the first instance, then you are doing exactly what is needed to improve your homemade baits relating to solubility and detection. Years ago when special pastes were the primary method anglers might soak and breakdown trout pellets and mix them with any of a number of soluble ingredients to form their baits, including a significant presence of milk proteins and others including liver yeasts, fish, vegetable and marine sources forming extremely soluble instant baits with no eggs or heating! The next step after using soluble materials is to further make their components even more detectable, and this is where enzyme treatment and fermentation processes designed within your baits is essential to maximizing success! (All these aspects and far more profoundly potent and powerful substances, processing and bait making are a part of my bait tuitions and my new written products.)

I've been teaching bait courses on a one to one intensive 1 day personalized course basis, for nearly 6 years for beginners to expert levels and the catch results achieved by clients have far exceeded all my expectations! Therefore, this has led me to produce a written word and picture-emphasised product, which already has proven to empower anglers of every level, to make world class homemade baits that defeat the most well-known leading brand readymade baits. Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets tuition and ebooks is far more powerful information. Why not visit my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography for further information and details of my exceptionally powerful, totally unique bait tuition and accompanying bait making ebooks deals right now!

By Tim Richardson.

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