Sunday, June 7, 2015

Natural Alternatives To Prescription Drugs

By Elaine Guthrie

In the advent of modern science most people tend to overlook herbal medicine and some only view this form of medicine as an inferior version of treatment. But the truth of the matter arises whenever we think about our fore fathers. In all cases, they did not have the modern technology we have currently. They used herbal medicines to treat the diseases they had back then, despite the fact that we have these modern science we have to acknowledge the fact that natural alternatives to prescription drugs works.

Prescription medicine, an example being the aspirin tablet, its known to cure mild headaches and joint aches. But on the other hand its known to be highly addictive. People tend to love prescribed drugs but tend to forget the side effect that these drugs come with. Some may be addictive like the aspirin but others are known to come with more severe side effects like delusion and even ulcers, some are suspected to be carcinogenic in nature. These side effects are not as common in the other alternatives as they are in prescribed medicine.

On a penny for penny comparison alternatives seem to always be cheaper than prescribed medication.An example is the use of exercise to cure depression as compared to using anti-depressant tablets to cure it. The cost of buying the tablets may be not so high but the cost of exercising is free since even a walk is exercise thus the two costs cannot be compared and the natural alternatives seems always cheaper.

Prescribed medication is specialized to treat very specific ailments, they are made to do very precise tasks and once their duty is done they are no more. This is not the case in these alternatives; this usually is because they are natural. Whenever they are taken in they not only carry out the prescribed task but also add other values to the body, like the beetroot plant its known to add more blood to the body but also helps in cleansing the blood something that if the prescribed medication had to do it would have to be a set of drugs.

A natural alternative to skin conditions like rashes is the aloe Vera plant. The prescribed drug would be a sulphur based treatment, on one hand aloe Vera does not only treat the rashes but it smoothens the skin and kills bacteria. If the sulphur based treatment would be used the rashes would heal in a burnt like manner since sulphur reacts with the skin in order to treat it thus leaving the burn like scars. This happens in sulphur cases unlike in the aloe Vera despite the fact that both methods heal.

Modern prescribed medication is given in exact quantities depending on the ailment and the state of the disease. Whenever the rule of quantity is not followed then it has effects. In cases where one does not take the prescribed amount there is a high chance of not being cured and in the event where one takes too much then there is the possibility of being overdosed and may be fatal. These extremes rarely occur in natural alternatives since its from nature.

Modern science is slowly accepting the use of natures remedies in its practice; this is seen currently by the use of the leach to suck up extra blood in an operation instead of the use of pumps.

Modern science is slowly coming into a consensus that non-artificial means of mediation is also an alternative way for treatment in the current generation.

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