Saturday, July 4, 2015

Factors Affecting Womens Health Reno

By Jordan Schmidt

Women are the stronger sex. Research has shown that men's health is weaker than womens health Reno, NV. They die younger and fall easier to disease and illnesses compared to the female species.

Women rule the roost in the family and need to stay hale and hearty. They recuperate faster and complain less. They can handle more pain overall. Coming of age into adulthood happens at about 18 although maturity comes earlier. At one time, women married at this age before the job revolution and the feminist movement.

The age of freedom for women meant a change in habits, some with deleterious effects. Now we advocate moderation in drinking and smoking due to the impact on body chemistry. Women also have a unique sex drive that lasts longer than men.

This is also the age of sexual discovery. Parents must have taught sexual education to their daughter early on. Knowing how to protect herself will keep her away from sexually transmitted disease and more deadly illnesses like AIDS.

Major lifestyle changes such as acquiring a new job or moving can cause stress to women that manifests itself in a different compared to men. The loss of a loved one, for example, can impact the immune system making the body vulnerable to stress-related diseases. It is important for women to maintain psychological balance at such times and get help when needed.

A new location means a different biological make up. Her new home may be older with a lot more dust and pests. Her new office's air-conditioning may be too cold. Without taking vitamins, a woman will be prone to infections whenever she settles in a new place. Pregnancy is one happy life event that many women look forward to. However, it is one waterloo for the immune system. A woman's ability to fight sickness drops when she is pregnant.

Because most of her bodily nutrition is transferred to the baby, she will have nutritional deficiencies and her inability to digest food properly and lack of exercise does not help. If her digestive system cannot function optimally, the rest of her will need to double time especially the immune system.

The immune system controls the good health a woman can experience and a weakened one can wreak havoc on well-being. It is important to maintain a limited schedule when pregnant and not to tax bodily functions, particularly in the later months. Digestion may be more difficult during the pregnancy causing temporary problems. Furthermore, if a woman is unduly nauseous, it may affect appetite and therefore result in some type of malnutrition.

Staying fit as a fiddle is therefore advised early on in pregnancy. It is not a bad idea the rest of the time as well. Women can prevent a lot of illnesses with an ounce of prevention. Cardiovascular work outs will keep weight at the optimal level and protect the heart. Heart disease is the greatest known killer of women and it must be the primary health consideration.

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