Sunday, July 12, 2015

Functions Of Conversational English To Tagalog Speakers

By Jana Serrano

Talking to other people is really necessary because there are things that you have to know about certain topics. It could also be that they have something you need. Through communication, it is easier to understand other people. And it would be easier for people to develop relationships if they understand each other well. However, there are difficulties in this since there are differences in terms of the language that you are speaking.

Because of this, people are required to at least learn the common language of the world. This would be your main tool if you decide to talk with people of different nationalities. There are many countries that have made this a requirement. In the Philippines, teaching conversational English to Tagalog speakers is a must since you have to learn the basics for you to speak it.

Those that are living in the Philippines are known to be good in speaking English since it is already being taught since they were younger. There are even many people from around the world who would go to this place to learn. But there are still many others who are not very fluent and atoned to speaking it.

There are many reasons why this is so. At times, words do not have any translation in other language. And if you ever encounter this, you will surely find it hard to speak out that particular word. Usually, it would jumble up your thoughts and you end up speaking a different thing. Even small stuff like this can affect how you speak.

You might learn the basics in your school days. But if you have just practiced it in your school, it would be hard to communicate with it. There is a difference when you learn it and when you actually speak it. Because of that, actual speaking might even be harder. Most of the time, people would have second thoughts about this. .

When you decide to learn or study this again, you will be able to make use of this particular skill. Once you got used to a certain language, your tongue would also get used to it. Because of this, the pronunciation is different and is hard to comprehend when you suddenly change it to another language. Through this, you will achieve the right tongue for it.

Traveling is one of the things that most people want to do. But if you could not converse with them, it would be really hard for you to go to other places. You have to ask or talk to someone for you to actually enjoy this particular activity. You also have to think about the issues that you might experience if you do not do this well.

Working outside the country is one of the goals of most people. But if you could not express yourself, it would be hard for you to look for the proper job. You might even waste a lot of opportunities because of this. This will help you land a good opportunity outside the country.

Building relationships such as business ones and for social purposes would be easier if you have the confidence to speak the language that you are not used to. If you can bridge the gap with people, it would not be hard for you to make connections. This is highly essential especially if you are thinking about making friends.

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