Saturday, July 11, 2015

How South Charlotte, NC Chiropractor Helps Alleviate Pain From Auto Accidents

By Angeleah Mae Zerna

Kids can sustain a number of injuries as the result of car accidents. This is true even if they do not break any bones or receive any lacerations or other visible wounds. This is why it is important to take your child to a South Charlotte pediatric chiropractor after these events.

Kids are checked by chiropractors to see if these events have caused spinal subluxations to develop. These are vertebrae that have been moved out of their positions. They are very common among people who have been in car crashes and they can lead to widespread health issue. This is actually the most common cause of physical discomfort among people who have been in automobile accidents.

The nerves communicate with the brain across the spine. Alignment issues impede this communication. As a result, kids can experience chemical imbalances that lead to sleep loss, lower immunity, depression and mood swings. They can also experience a lot of physical pain.

When subluxations exist, some muscle groups are required to work a lot harder than normal. As the result of compensating for spinal injuries, these muscles can become strained. This in turns leads to muscle spasms, recurring headaches and even diminished mobility.

This type of care for kids is both gradual and gentle. The ultimate goal is to realign the spine and promote improvements in spinal health. This can be done through manual adjustment techniques or chiropractors may use massage. As time passes, symptoms such as headaches, extreme fatigue and joint and muscle stiffness are likely to abate. Due to the fact that this is a very natural process and that it is capable of expediting a child's recovery, it is widely preferred over prescription pain medications.

If kids are experiencing severe swelling and discomfort, certain forms of chiropractic equipment could prove to be beneficial additions to the therapy plan. As an example, kids might be given inversion table therapy or ultrasound equipment might be used. These things can be helpful for limiting inflammation and promoting relief.

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