Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Know How Activities For People With Dementia Improve Their Overall Health

By Phyllis Schroeder

Many people do not understand the conditions that affect their brain cells, as they grow older. However, you should not imagine that brain cells get damaged only by age. You may find individuals who encounter life experiences that cause brain impairment in a great way. Doctors refer to the condition where brain cells are damaged as dementia. This condition affects your thinking, communication and memory parts. To make victims of such conditions feel appreciated, most countries have set several activities for people with dementia.

When you do some things together with these victims, they do not degrade their conditions as they would if you never interacted with them in any way. Help them to shop for their toothpaste and toothbrush from the shops they like. You can also help them know the right brushing method to use to avoid damaging their gum and other mouth parts. You can also choose the attire you will put on for them.

Individuals whose brain cells have been damaged may not engage cooking affairs more perfectly. Their lost memory would lead to other problems since they forget things easily. This suggests that they would also not be able to know what to prepare and how to prepare it. Nonetheless, they would appreciate if you help them look for the right ingredients to prepare balanced meals.

If you like social involvements, you should find these victims the best partners for them. Research experts say that such social engagements keep the victims active the whole day and this is good for their brain. If you have a debate to engage, allow these victims to be part of it and take their opinions rightly. This way, you boost their belief that other humans appreciate them just the way they are.

These sick individuals also need individuals who could engage them in spiritual affairs. They would feel good when singing hymns with others, clapping their hands and going to church together. Once they get to church, they would find sermons that boost their faith in a great way and help them know they can get well. Although you may despise such affairs, they make sense to the sick individuals since they draw most of their confidence from such.

Every artistic activity will make sense to them greatly. They would like to see how you are mixing painting colors and even how you choose the colors too. Look for the nice and cool music for them to listen to. These engagements are good and healthy for their creativity despite how extensive the condition would be.

You should seek to know if there are academic activities you could engage them in to improve their condition. Firstly, it is good to look for interesting story books or novels to read and where possible read together. You may also decide to give them puzzles to fill or play scripts to write.

Any household activity you engage doing should have their input to help them fight boredom. You may not know how happy the victims would be when you clean the shoes together or even arrange electrical appliances with them in the house. Let them join you in rinsing table cloths and window blinds.

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