Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Determining Whether Nickel Causes Hair Loss Or Not

By Nancy Gardner

Our hair is probably one of the most essential part to us. Like imagine how awful it looks like having a bald head, especially to women. It definitely changes the way we look, we even put designs and colors to make it appear more catchy. It gives us the confidence always that we look great.

Several people are stressing themselves on finding what causes their loss. And started digging the truth behind Nickel causes hair loss, since the said element is commonly seen and used on an everyday basis. They were left uncertain if this is the reason they have been suffering from balding.

Appearing good gives a confident impression, but what if you do not appear good. You may somehow be traumatized on how others will going to treat you. And the sad thing is they would not understand that you are suffering from balding. This would also cause some lowering of self esteem which is obviously not good.

This kind of loss has over time been ascribed to be genetically affiliated. A person may suffer balding or an early loss due to its genes which are hereditary. There will always be a big possibility you suffer from this if any of your parents or relatives has gone through this.

Nickel is a metal which is commonly used and seen wherever we look to. There is always the presence of Nickel, from the gadgets you use, the things you see in your kitchen, your hardware, firearms, jewels and even your coins. They are more likely made with the help of it.

But it became a major problem too later on because it causes allergies to many people after the contact of skin to things made with this metal. And they name that allergy Contact Dermatitis. Those under this suffered from itching, redness and even had burnt skin.

Then the possibility of hair loss as one of its symptoms arise. Somehow it has not yet proven scientifically and scientists were still going through deep to know whether the alleged possibility is true or not. But they are not getting the small chance that somehow it is part of the many symptoms of the said harmful allergy.

Scientists cannot discern whether the loss is part of its symptoms. The digging of this fact whether the metal really causes hair loss continued. The researchers does not want to presume that it is just a coincidence that there were who suffered of the said allergy that had their hair loss and continue to bald. They wanted to be sure. But as of this moment it is still not yet proven scientifically.

It is not proven yet scientifically but researchers did not get the little chance that it may possibly be the reason for some baldness. That is why it is better to be careful and alert. When you have noticed something different or wrong with your hair and it started decreasing might as well consult a doctor to interrupt the balding of your hair.

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