Friday, August 21, 2015

Find Out How To Get Safe Herniated Disc Relief With Chiropractic In Manhattan NY

By Rae Patricio

A herniated disc in the spine can be significantly painful. You might have pain whether sitting, standing or walking. This herniation exists when a disc is ruptured and protrudes between the vertebrae. This can exert pressure against the spinal nerves. If you are looking for a way to alleviate that pain you may want to visit the chiropractic offices Manhattan NY where such conditions are dealt with.

The structure of the spine is composed of thirty-three vertebrae. These are hollow bones that protect the delicate spinal cord. Seven are in the neck, twelve in the thoracic area and five lumbar which are separated and cushioned by discs which act as shock absorbers as the body moves. The remaining nine bones of the spine are fused.

A disc is composed of a soft inner substance inside an outer shell which is fibrous. In an accident, such as a car crash, one or more of the discs can be ruptured. That allows the bones to put pressure against the nerves located there. Serious pain results from this pressure.

At the first office visit your condition and what caused it will be discussed. There will be non-invasive testing such as range of motion, reflexes and watching how you walk. An x-ray may be part of the examination.

When the evaluation is over, a care plan will be set up. You will have a schedule of office visits to have your spine adjusted. This is a gentle procedure intended to alleviate the pressure against nerve roots that is causing so much pain. Massage, a special diet and exercises may be included in the plan.

Each individual has specific needs and may feel relief sooner or later depending on age, general health and severity of the injury or disease that is responsible for the pain. Professional opinion will be offered on how to avoid aggravating your condition. You will also be advised on how to avoid injuries in the future.

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