Thursday, August 20, 2015

How To Take Good Care Of Your Hair Extensions

By Nancy Gardner

Changing a person's hairstyle is a necessity for girls. After all, changing hairstyles just allows a person to achieve an image suitable for one's current situation. From long locks, one can change to short bobs. Some people can also opt to have their short bobs turned to long locks and that can only be possible with hair extensions in Miami.

For those who are looking forward to have the extension, taking good care of it is imperative. Remember that you are required to pay a hefty sum just to get these added locks. Due to the fact that it costs a lot, a person should ensure that these locks remain in good condition for a long time. Here are the tips to remember when having the extension.

First, always brush the extended locks. This is for maintaining the added strands on your hair. This is the same as with your teeth, that you are required to brush each morning. Make sure to pick the right brush to use for that. There are soft bristle brush and other brushing tool that are perfect for detangling your hair without causing damages.

Make sure that these bonds are washed meticulously. Especially with clip-ins, you got to clean them off even when they do not get dirty as easily as natural hairs. Washing them frequently is extremely crucial to the maintenance of the bonds. Detangle these and use a suitable shampoo. Better wash these clip-ins gently.

Conditioning is required as well. There are nice, nourishing leave-on conditioners available in the market nowadays that are perfect for your extension maintenance routine. The said conditioner could be sprayed on or applied by hand. Make sure to do it with a downward motion. For tangles, brush them out carefully.

When drying the hairs out, it would be good to let them dry in a natural way. It might not be that easy to do that though, especially with the pieces that are non-removable. It is imperative to avoid using heat tools since excessive heat can be really detrimental to the added pieces. Let the locks dry fully in a natural way then.

Using blow dryers can actually be bad for your locks but you cannot avoid that. If it is really necessary that you use a blow dryer, then you should consider finding one with a low-heat setting. The low-heat setting is what you would be using when you use the blow dryer for drying your hair. It can cause less stress to the strands.

Some storage tips are required to be followed for the extra locks. These clip-ins, wigs, and quick weaves must be stored with great care and love when they are unused. When storing the bonds, you have to clean and condition them up. Dry them well and detangle afterward before storing them inside the air-tight containers.

Buy a quality swimming cap. This is a necessity when it comes to caring for the locks, especially during the summer when going to the pool. If you adopt a cap-wearing habit, you can prevent chlorine and salt from damaging your strands.

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