Friday, August 21, 2015

Simple Tips On Retail Jewelry Displays And Packaging

By Shawn Hunter

If you have a beautiful line of jewelry that you want to sell, then you got to use the perfect pitch to appeal to your clients. In addition, you also have to find retail jewelry displays and packaging to ensure that the clients love what they are looking at. Here are some of the tips to remember when improving the display cases.

Proportion and scale. This is the first thing you should take into account. You need to pick the valuables that really fit well with a casing you already have purchased for the trade show. Even if you only display it at your gallery, one must get displays of the right size. It should not be too big or too small for displays.

There must be balance with this display as well. This is mainly because you need to ensure that nothing conflicts with what you wish to portray. This means that there should be no conflicting visuals. There needs to be a consistent look all throughout your pieces, in the shape, color, or even in the texture.

You also need to consider the depth and dimension. It will just be hard work for a potential buyer to look at the individual pieces when they are displayed on the same plane. It is highly recommended for you to use risers or pick displays with varying heights. This way, customers can have a place to start, along with an inviting roadmap from one piece to another.

Consider the contrast for this as well. For a display, remember that you have no longer than ten seconds to grab your customer's attention. As a powerful way to grab their attention, what you can do is to take advantage of contrast. You can create a contrast with these special valuables you aim to showcase to potential buyers.

Color scheme. There must be consistency with a scheme for all colors too. You must decide on what to have. Aim especially to create a consistent color scheme that actually enhance the appeal of the jewelry you have. The color scheme should not only work with the jewelries but with the cases as well.

Mirrors and lighting should be used properly. These are two things that can add great depth to the space you are working on. For the mirrors, use it to invite clients to try on your valuables. When they see how they look like with these jewelry pieces on, they will fall in love easily and might purchase your product.

Organize your stuff. You should never put too many pieces inside a single display case. You will just make it difficult for the customers to find a piece they can focus on. Every jewelry will be fighting for attention from the potential buyers. Arrange the displays in small groupings, focusing on those you wish to draw attention.

Price. The price for the said valuables should also be taken into account. For price tags, it is highly recommended to put it right beside on the item they are for. That way, customers will get to know if the jewelry is something they can buy or not without having to go through all the trouble of calling out to a saleslady. They do not have to wait in line as well.

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