Sunday, August 16, 2015

Tallahassee Chiropractic Office Helps Alleviate Shoulder Pain Naturally

By Mary Badder

If you are bothered with shoulder pain, you are not alone. Each day, millions of people in Florida wake up with painful shoulders. Many different things can cause pain in the shoulder, and it can severely limit mobility and make it very difficult to sleep at night. Thankfully, you can find natural relief when you see your Tallahassee chiropractor.

Your first chiropractic visit will include a complete examination. You and the chiropractic doctor can discuss all the issues you are currently dealing with. He may need to check your arm and shoulder in various positions to see how mobile your shoulder joint is. Usually, you'll need testing and this can be in the form of C-T Scan, MRI, or shoulder x-rays.

The purpose of your exam and consultation is to get to the root cause of your shoulder discomfort. Once the reason is understood, you can receive the right kind of therapy. This will help to alleviate your pain naturally and give you more shoulder movement.

Your therapy is aimed at dealing with the cause of pain and not just blocking pain from drugs. Therapy may start with ice or heat and electronic muscle stimulation. In addition, you may receive an exercise program that is specifically designed to help shoulder problems.

Chiropractic adjustment is another option that may help shoulder pain. However, not everyone can be helped with therapy and if your problem is severe, you may require surgical intervention. If so, your chiropractic doctor is there to refer you to an experienced orthopedic surgeon.

It may take a few weeks for your shoulder to regain movement and over time the pain may subside. Your therapy may include exercises to perform on a routine basis. This will keep the shoulder flexible and help you avoid this kind of trouble in the future. When you see a chiropractic professional in Tallahassee, you can depend on safe and natural therapy for many of life's problems.

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