Saturday, August 15, 2015

Travel Essentials - Yellow Fever Certificate

By Jonny Blair

To travel the world with the correct precautions and health awareness you really need to get your Yellow Fever Certificate. It is compulsory for some countries and comes in extremely handy, not just for your own safety but for laws within each countries. It is strongly recommended to get this vaccination before heading to Africa and parts of Asia.

Head to your local travel doctor to find out exactly what injections you need before setting off on your journeys. They will know exactly what is needed based on the countries you will visit. Here are the important things you will need to be aware of for getting your Yellow Fever injection:

1. You WILL get asked for it entering some countries. Be prepared for this - better to be safe than sorry (yes, I know you could make up a story that you have one and lost the certificate - but seriously why take the risk?? This is a disease we are talking about!)

2. Your will have to pay around $50 - $60 Dollars for your Yellow Fever Vaccination.

3. Trust exactly what your Travel Doctor has said and go with it. Don't think twice about paying for it - you need to pay for these things and staying healthy on your travels is vital to you. So head to the travel doctor, take their advice and stick with it.

4. Ensure your Yellow Certificate is valid. It needs to have a stamp and a doctor's signature on it.

5. The only place you can get a Yellow Fever Certificate is from a proper Yellow Fever Approved Vaccine Centre.

6. Carry it with you everywhere you go - I say this again from self experience as I'm a tad nomadic - I might arrive in a country that you don't need the Vaccine, then suddenly take the urge to visit the neighbouring one.

7. It will be valid for 10 years.

Due to the seriousness of this subject, it's highly important that you head to your local travel doctor and check with him based on the countries you are heading to.

ALWAYS check with and ask your local travel doctor what medication and injections you need for certain countries. NEVER trust websites or fellow travellers. Basically just get the jabs to be safe.

As a global nomad it's important to embrace the cultures and places you go and part of this journey is staying safe and healthy on your travels.

What is Yellow Fever? - A deadly disease which has symptoms such as fever, chills and muscle pain.

How do you get it? Like most diseases it is from an insect bite from a mosquito. Stay safe and protected.

What countries are affected by Yellow Fever? Most of Africa and parts of South America and Asia.

How much does it cost to get a Yellow Fever Vaccination? - It should be somewhere between $40 and $90 US Dollars, depending on where you are in the world. Stay safe!

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