Monday, September 7, 2015

Positive Impacts Of Scholarship For African Students

By Nancy Gardner

When the penetration of higher education increases in Africa, the continent benefits in more than one way. Those who are returning back to the continent armed with foreign qualifications, always help to improve the state of the motherland. The invaluable experience that beneficiaries of scholarship for African students bring back facilitate nationwide change and cause massive developments through the continent. Education is the engine of change in any country. When more citizens of a country are exposed to education opportunities, the future of a nation will be bright.

There are different types of sponsorships for each level of study. Those who are thinking of pursuing Bachelors degree, have many options to choose from. Financial aid is also available to those who want to pursue postgraduate studies. However, after completing masters in a foreign land, one will be required to return back to his mother country, for some years so that to return back the knowledge and skills acquired abroad. PHD sponsorships are for those who want to carry out high-level research work that will facilitate the finding of solutions to some of the major problems in the world.

First and foremost, the person who has been sponsored will be positively impacted. His life will change for the better and as a result he will improve the condition of his family. Also, they will be trickle down effects to the society and eventually the state of the nation will be improved in one way or another.

Lives are being changed when people are given the opportunity to study abroad without having to incur any personal costs. These students may even get a job aborad. This means that some money will be sent home on a regular basis and this contributes to the GDP and also helps to sustain families. The most important impact is that, wealth of knowledge will brought back home once someone returns from abroad. This will be transmitted to a new generation of Africans who have a zeal for knowledge and education.

Africa has a shortage of specialized knowledge. This is a big challenge for the continent since millions of dollars have to be paid to foreigners to offer specialized services. When African students are sponsored for courses that facilitate the acquisition of highly specialized knowledge, the continent stands to benefit in the future.

A doctor who has furthered his education abroad will bring competencies not available in his home country. He may even be the only doctor who can treat a particular ailment in his country. This will directly contribute to the saving of many lives.

Exposure from studying in a foreign institution will simply be invaluable. One will be exposed to new perspectives. This will open one's mind to the endless solutions for local problems.

Beneficiaries of sponsorships will meet students from other countries. This will facilitate cultural exchanges. Such interactions help to foster international harmony and global oneness.

Africans who want to further their education in developed countries, have many scholarships to choose from. There are art and sciences sponsorships. The impact of this aid is felt all over the continent.

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