Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Special Symbolism In Christian Jewelry

By Daphne Bowen

There are numerous reasons for which one may where adornments such as necklaces, rings, earrings or bracelets. Some like them simply because they are appealing to their personal tastes or go well with a particular outfit, or as a representation of a treasured event like a marriage. Christian jewelry contains much symbolism of the faith and its teachings.

Religion is filled with icons that are used to symbolize a variety of things that the followers find important, or comforting. Images of the saints, the Ichthus, Bibles, angels, mustard seeds and of course, the cross and crucifix are just s few of the ones more commonly worn. There are a few pieces that are so popular, they are recognized almost instantly for what they represent.

Perhaps the most iconic of all the symbols of this religion are the cross and crucifix. They represent the death of Christ, salvation from sin and the promise that all who believe will find eternal life in Heaven. They are frequently worn as pendants on chains, may be crafted in many different materials including gold, silver, wood or stone and their likenesses can be found adorning almost anything.

Catholics, as well as some of the related denominations, have a special affinity for saint medals. These small pieces of metal are embellished with effigies of canonized individuals who offer spiritual protection to certain causes or groups of people. Generally these items are added to rosaries, pinned to someone's clothing or worn as a pendant.

Another popular Catholic accessory is the Rosary. This chain of beads is usually adorned with a medal of one's chosen saint, as well as a crucifix, and is a precious reminder to recite specific prayers diligently. They may be discretely worn in several ways including as a necklace kept under clothing, wrapped around the wrist as a bracelet or carried concealed as the devout find great comfort in touching them.

Some bracelets are chosen because they represent valuable reminders such as the steps leading to communion or the pillars of salvation, and are sometimes given as gifts to help people remember these lessons. Others are selected simply because they are appealing accessories that allow an individual to display their faith. Flexible bands of rubber sporting meaningful words or symbols are simple statement pieces that are often passed out in mass to raise awareness.

Representing one's religious beliefs is easy to achieve with rings. These items are frequently presented to commemorate special milestones such as purity commitments, baptisms and first communions. More often though, people choose them because they like the way they are embellished and find it to be an appealing way to pay homage to their faith.

A range of accessories including many styles of necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, anklets, lapel pins and brooches are available to anyone who wishes to display their faith openly. One may pick a particular piece because it has a specific purpose or sentimental representation, or for no other reason than it appeals to their tastes. The bearer can opt for a subtle, personal symbolic show, or they may go for a bold statement.

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