Friday, November 20, 2015

Long Island Back Pain Relief Done Naturally With Chiropractic Therapy

By Mark Marabut

Back discomfort and pain can make normal activities very difficult and you might not be able to sleep at night. However, many people in New York are finding the pain relief they need with the help of Long Island Active Release Techniques Therapy. In fact, it may be much easier than you think.

Active Release Techniques or ART utilizes movement for muscle release. It is not about the human skeletal system but focuses on soft tissues and muscle only. ART is often used to help people with disorders involving accumulated trauma to the body. This refers to problems like repetitive motion or "overuse" injuries.

If you work at a computer all day long or lift and load for a living you could be subjecting your back to repeated trauma or injury all through the day. This is the cause of conditions like chronic back problems and carpal tunnel syndrome. These types of work related injuries have skyrocketed over the past several years and the usual approaches to therapy do little good.

Repetitive motion problems often come on slowly as tissue damage is created over the course of months or even years. When your body repairs the damage it creates scar tissue. As scar tissue accumulates in muscles and tendons it can limit function and result in pain. This also can decrease range of motion and flexibility. It may be much harder for you to function of perform your work duties.

Your local Long Island chiropractor has years of experience with repetitive motion problems and offers ART to help you. ART helps the modern day chiropractor determine the cause of your problem and is used to help increase muscle function and flexibility. It can reduce scar tissue that inhibits muscle movement and makes your back feel stiff and achy.

With the help of modern chiropractic care you can be on the road to recovery soon. All therapy options are safe, natural, and non invasive. After a few sessions you may notice a big difference in the way you feel, and you could be pain free.

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