Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Equine Bone And Joint Support

By Marci Nielsen

Horses have always captured people's hearts. They are strong, swift, and beautiful in motion. Once free to run over grassy hills, these animals are now used for all sorts of things from pulling heavy loads to excelling at extreme sports. Equine bone and joint support supplements are designed to help keep horses sound and pain-free in spite of the demands placed upon their bodies.

Many horse owners are familiar with equine supplements designed to provide nutrients missing from the horses' regular diet. Instead of ranging freely over miles of country with mixed vegetation, horses today are confined in stalls or fenced pastures. Hay is often a mono-crop, being largely timothy or another grass.

Pastures are routinely mowed and seeded to look great and be palatable, but pretty paddocks can't provide all the nutrition found in a mix of what we call weeds. Even mowing is a nutritional negative. Seeds contain valuable nutrients like vitamin E which are not found in grass stalks. This is why most feeds designed for horses are grains with added vitamins and minerals.

Horses under heavy work are also under added stress. Their legs and feet carry enormous weight, withstand great force, and absorb a lot of shock. This may cause bones and joints to deteriorate. Targeted nutrition can help off-set this unnatural stress. Among the most familiar nutrients are hyaluronic acid (a component of joint fluid), MSM (sulfur, a naturally-occurring mineral essential for health and strong bones), and glucosamine and chondroitin, which are building blocks of cartilage.

Many other nutrients can help an equine athlete withstand the huge demands of performance sports. Consider the jumpers, which are asked for extreme effort in training as well as in competition. They must push off from the ground with enough force to lift their massive weight up and over an obstacle. The simple fact that such a gigantic animal can leap so high is part of the fascination of the sport.

Then they land their entire weight on one foot, which must then push that weight off as the rest of the legs and body follow over the jump. The amount of impact, shock, and force involved in this action is almost inconceivable. It's amazing that the legs and hooves of horses can stand this once, let alone over and over.

Specialized formulas give the horse what it needs to recover from this kind of stress and to repair damaged tissues. Different products have been designed for all levels of physical performance. In other cases, horses may need more nutrition because of age alone. Arthritis can affect aging animals just like it does humans. Starting supplements early can help prevent or delay age-related problems in the skeletal system of your beloved equines.

Aging is another form of stress that requires extra nutrition. There are all sorts of formulas designed to make your horse more comfortable and keep him sound and healthy longer. Manufacturers of specialized formulas are able to help owners choose the perfect supplement for the level of activity of each horse. Trainers all have their favorite products, too, so look for professional endorsements.

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