Sunday, December 6, 2015

Live Like Endotracheal Tube, Live To Sustain Life In Times Of Trouble

By Marci Nielsen

You may have been in a position that feels like you are choking. That breathing seems difficult. Things around you just got tangled up and you no longer have a space to breathe. And since you can no longer breathe on your own, you suddenly cry out for someone to at least help you out to gain the air you need.

You may think that a simple individual like you cannot do anything to help out. If you do so, then you are mistaken. Just like a surgeon that needs endotracheal tube with subglottic suction for performing successful operations. Endotracheal tube is mostly unnoticeable yet helpful. Indeed, it is but a lifeless thing, but it helps to support life.

In the same scenario, as we go through our daily walks of life, we encounter challenges that leave us breathless. Sometimes it gets difficult to get some air that we call on with things that could help us out. We talk to psychologist or use religious figures to help us out from giving up. It is best to identify the things that we can do to help ourselves out.

It is the best buddy for surgeons in sustaining life to those who needs help. Doctors can work something out, but cannot control their breathing. The magic brought by this simple apparatus. It may be unnoticeable. May looks like it adds up to the agony of patient, because, it is put through right to his mouth.

Far from being an agony, it eases worries. The doctors have that confidence that they will never run out of air. Imagine how difficult it would be without this thing. So simple, yet so helpful, that you will think about thanking whoever thought about it. You cannot afford not to have it during operations.

Just like how an endotracheal tube helps out an unconscious patient to hold on to his life, there is always solution. Find a place where you can find peace. Go for a vacation and leave all your burdens behind for a moment. Sometime you just need a little time to think things over. Reassemble your ideas and a solution suddenly pops in.

So, he needs it to support his breathing. Going back to the swimming scenario, it will be difficult for you to see the beauty of the entire ocean floor, if you can only last for a minute. Hence, having snorkel will allow you to stay longer. A person under operation without an endotracheal tube is like a person snorkeling without snorkels, he would not last long.

It provides security. They may need to endure that long operation, but as long as their air passage is supported, they can make it. It gives out that sense of security. If in case this does not support all the respiratory needs or functions, there are options to use of a mechanical ventilator for critical cases.

Trust yourself. Make your life worth living. Believe you can become a person that will have impact to others. Believe that one day you will look back in your traces and see the beautiful fruits of happiness you have. You will not always be noticed. But the joy inside you is worth it all.

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