Friday, December 4, 2015

Why Buy Small Batch Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

By Marci Nielsen

Olives are a unique food. One of only a few which contain all the macro nutrients and lots of micro nutrients. This is why we hear so much about the health benefits of olives and their oil. The oil has been highly valued for thousands of years and is now an important commodity all over the world. This inevitably leads to vast differences in quality and sometimes fraud. Buying small batch extra virgin olive oil ensures higher quality, better taste and a healthier product.

There are several types of olive oil on the market. Extra virgin is probably the most famous & the best for you as it is the least processed. Then there is virgin which is similar but not held to such rigorous standards. Olive oil and the light version are refined and have had most of the nutrients taken out. They can be useful for cooking as they have a higher smoke point.

Large scale production is a different matter. Harvesting is done by machines which often group the fruit together and fail to remove rotten ones. Once in the factory the oil is extracted by crushing using steel blades instead of stones. Solvents are often used to take out more oil from the olives and residues of these end up in the finished product.

There is also the problem of producers who tamper with their product and water it down with other, cheaper oils. Some research has found high levels of sunflower, peanut and soy oils in what is supposed to be olive oil. This is an issue for individuals who have nut allergies. It is also a problem for other consumers who want to buy a healthy product as cheaper oils are not nearly so beneficial and are sometimes harmful.

Small producers who care about their product and image are much less likely to do this. Many enter their oils into competitions so checking out the winners is a good way to find quality oil. The down side to this is that once a producer has achieved an excellent reputation their produce is worth more. Learning to identify pure oils for yourself can be a good way to get decent ones while spending less.

The taste of high quality extra virgin should be slightly or even very bitter. To check this take some into your mouth and swirl it around a little, like in wine tasting. After swallowing there should be bitter flavors in your throat. Anything sweet is not pure.

The fatty acids in olive oil are what provide the benefits to health. They protect the heart and are thought to lower blood pressure. The polyphenols are a great antioxidant and are associated with lower rates of cancer in the Mediterranean.

Cooking with olive oil is all about pleasure. The best oils are a wonderful dip for some fresh bread. The complex taste excites the taste buds and changes as you eat it. Salad is not the same without it and it is also a wonderful addition to dips and purees.

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