Saturday, October 24, 2015

Midlothian Back Pain Relief Done Naturally Through Chiropractic Therapy

By Princess Allice

Back pain can impact the life of anyone. Of the twenty-two million people in the US who visit chiropractors each year, more than one-third of them do so complaining of back pain. It can be the result of wrenching the back while lifting something, or it can be the result of a car accident. Fortunately there is help available in the office of a prominent Midlothian Chiropractor.

The first step to pain relief is making an appointment. During that first office visit, a thorough evaluation of the spinal column is conducted. Reflexes, range-of-motion tests and an x-ray are usually part of the examination. After the assessment, a care plan will be outlined to facilitate your recovery.

You may hear the chiropractic term subluxation. It simply means the small vertebrae that make up your spinal column are misaligned. This is a common result of a car crash. These bones can press against the spinal nerves which results in moderate to excruciating pain.

In many cases, a series of spinal adjustments are scheduled to slowly correct the misalignment. The pressure against the spinal nerves will be reduced by this process. Each individual progresses at his own speed depending on factors such as age, extent of injury and your general health.

You might also have stiffness and discomfort in the surrounding muscles and soft tissue. In that case, massage may be a part of your rehabilitation. It will relax those tight muscles and restore flexibility. You may also be offered professional advice on exercise and nutrition.

When someone is in pain it is not good to ignore it. Pain is a warning signal that something in the body is wrong. When you have the pain evaluated, a care plan can be started to deal with the condition. You may be a good candidate for spinal adjustments which are known to provide pain reduction.

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