Sunday, December 14, 2014

Finding Insect Photography Prints For Sale Online

By Lucia Weeks

Photographers take pictures. Everyone knows this. However, it's like saying painters slap paint onto canvas or paper. A great painter creates a work of significant impact and lasting value. This is equally true of a great photographer. To get an idea of how creative photography can be, search insect photography prints for sale in the Harrisonburg VA area.

Insects are fascinating. They come in an infinite variety of shapes, colors, and habitats; in fact, new varieties are being discovered all the time in remote areas of the globe. Some are beloved, like butterflies, ladybugs, and bees. Others are less familiar, making their image even more striking when properly presented in an art photo.

Pictures straight from nature lend themselves to art photography with no alteration. A spider web pearled with dew and lit by the rising sun or a butterfly on a brilliant flower are beautiful moments that lose none of their appeal when caught on film. A beautiful creature like a Luna Moth, with its unique shape and delicate colors, is dramatic enough to make a statement in any room.

Butterflies are celebrated for their beauty, but a study of the far-less-popular mosquito can be as striking as a picture of a Monarch. The Luna Moth is rarely seen, but once glimpsed is never forgotten. The Praying Mantis is another insect that people marvel at. Most smile when a bee buzzes by in its never-ending search for pollen and nectar, but few have seen the detail that a close-up photograph can reveal.

Photographs of insects in the natural habitat are enhanced by the color and texture of the leaves they rest on. Plants are as varied as the insects that live on them. Leaves change color with the seasons. They differ widely in shape and have smooth, serrated, or scalloped edges. They are textured in ways that a clever photographer can emphasize, with delicate veins that give interest to the picture. The photographer might catch a subject on a leaf dotted with raindrops or glossy with sun or moonlight.

Photographers are able to show reality in amazing detail, which is required for laboratory or classroom studies, but this is surprisingly effective as home decor, too. Botanical prints have been popular since Victorian times, when natural science came into its own. However, if realism is not required, digital techniques have made it possible to take realistic images and play with them to get effects that mimic impressionistic painting or silk screening.

Pictures used to decorate a home should evoke an emotional response from the viewer - and that is just what a great photograph does. Many people experience a sense of wonder when confronted with the intricacies of the natural world. The beauty and infinite variety of living things is something to celebrate, but it's fleeting. Immortalizing it on film is a great way to capture a moment in time and preserve it.

Prints of this nature are affordable, starting at about five dollars. They can also be an investment when limited edition artwork is chosen. Go online to see the impact such artwork can have.

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