Thursday, March 26, 2015

What You Should Not Do For Triathlons Preparation

By Leslie Ball

Sports has gained global popularity all throghout the years. This is the reason why major competitions are done on different time of the year. Its one way of gathering all sports enthusiasts and letting them join different games in an attempt to bag the win. Aside from entertainment, it has become a major avenue to promote teamwork and good health especially among the young.

There are different types of competitions done every year. Among them is the Maryland triathlons geared to attracting participants from different states to show their physical prowess in this strenuous series of cardio activity. Those who make it will have the chance to further their experience and may even find avenues for product endorsements.

Triathlons are events that require a lot of physical strength and endurance. As such, they need utmost preparation from the participants. Failure to do so may result to injuries and even disqualification from the competition. If you plan to participate, be sure to avoid doing any of the following.

Not doing enough physical preparation. Unless your body is prepared to deal with the strain, you are better of postponing your plans of joining the competition entirely. More than that of doing basic exercises, one needs to increase the intensity of his training regimen to ensure that his stamina is built well. Those who stick to the regular ones end up not finishing the full race.

Buying the wrong gears. There are many available running, swimming and biking gears in the market. But not all of them are fit for what you need. Aside from the size and the design, you also need to consider the comfort and the durability of the material.

Doing away with the monitoring. If you are not working with a trainer, the best way to know the progress that you are making is through creating a detailed record of your training regimen. This way, you can easily review the specific activities you did for this day and that and how long did you train.

Eating unhealthy foods. The thing is, those foods which we crave are mostly unhealthy. They are packed with sugar, cholesterol and carbohydrates which can ruin the right diet that we need to observe prior to competition. This is a struggle even for athletes considering the number of instant and convenient foods produced at present. Think about your goal and make it a motivation to stay away from those unhealthy choices.

Treating the triathlon like any mainstream sports. Yes it is a competition. But the demand it asks from our bodies and minds are not the same with just the mainstream ones like basketball and football. In here, you need to work on your own to win. Your stamina is your fuel. You cannot expect anybody to do it for you.

Awareness of the mistakes is the first step to creating a plan that will allow you to avoid it and do better. Review the list above when you start to train. Plan with someone if you have to.

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