Saturday, November 28, 2015

Pasco County Low Back Pain Relief Is Closer Than You Think

By Lyndon Zerna

People who work in construction, or some other field that requires physical exertion, often suffer from lower back pain, a condition known as lumbago. Injuries to this area of the body often result in muscle spasms and a decreased range of motion. Many people find relief from these symptoms after receiving Pasco County chiropractic care.

Some patients with lumbago experience shooting pains down the legs. Other patients may only feel discomfort in a specific area of the back. Injuries may involve any part of the spine, including vertebral discs, nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments, or joints. This sometimes makes it difficult for medical professionals to isolate the root cause of a patient's back pain.

The level of pain a patient experiences often does not have anything to do with how severe the injury is. Someone with a herniated disc or some other serious problem may go through a daily routine with only mild pain. Sometimes minor problems such as sprains and strains may cause debilitating pain.

Two patients with the same medical condition may experience different levels of pain or pain in different areas of the feet, legs, or back. There may even be emotional or psychological factors that play a role in a patient's overall experience. This is why chiropractors feel it is so important to take the time necessary to evaluate all aspects of a patient's life and create a program to meet that individual's needs.

A qualified chiropractor does more than just adjust the spine when caring for a patient with lumbago. In some cases, this medical professional may help with moving and stretching the muscles and joints to provide relief from pain. Chiropractors also guide patients in making healthy lifestyle choices such as adopting a nutritious diet, learning to reduce stress, and exercising for overall fitness and health.

Prescription drugs and risky invasive surgical procedures are not the only ways to treat back pain. Natural healing techniques offered by chiropractic care are just as effective without the danger of unpleasant side effects. Regardless of what is causing your back pain, a qualified chiropractor can help improve your quality of life.

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